
Tag Archives: back pains

Back pains and sinus infections and allergic reactions.. oh my!

Something I didn't want to consider, but now seems viable.

Driving to, from, and all around Pennsylvania really aggravated my back problems. Issues from my sciatic nerve acting up really began to frustrate me, because the pulsating, stabbing feeling in my right ankle made sleep very difficult. Coincidentally, on this trip I met a man who had the exact same issue as me; herniated disc, sciatic nerve issues, and foot drop. He had just gotten the laproscopic surgery a few weeks before and was having wonderful results, despite the initial hell the week following the procedure. So that was something for me to consider.

Then, while in Pennsylvania, I had to share a bed with my mom. My mom, much like myself, gets sick very easily if she doesn’t get all the sleep she needs. Well, lucky me. I woke up in the middle of the night, and BAM! She coughed in my mouth. A week later, and I’m still feeling the sickness.

This is what I saw in my head when she coughed.

Now the best part. I got a z-pack on Wednesday, which always clears up my sinus infections. Then yesterday, I went about normally though I still felt crappy. I picked up some DayQuil and off I went to do a photo shoot with some friends. Afterwards, I went shopping with my boyfriend. Surprisingly finding quite a few items that I really liked and could afford. Then I woke up this morning, sweating. Get up in a hurry, rushing so I could make it to my chiropractor appointment on time, when I notice somethings off. My arms appear to have a rash… weird.

My ear honestly felt like that. So disturbing.

Out of habit, I touch my ear where my cartilage piercing is and again, something’s off. My left ear is swollen. Wtf. Quickly, I run across the house to show my mom, the whole time thinking of that scene from Hitch when his entire face swells. This would make sense if I was allergic to something, anything. But I’m not. Soon enough, I notice hives on my upper thighs as well. I stress out easily, so my mom tells me if I don’t stay calm it could get worse. Well, I took a Benadryl immediately, showered, and now here I sit. Staying calm. Yet, nothing is going down.

Lesson for the Day: Even when the going gets rough, try to keep your head up.